• FR
  • EN
  • A methodical strategy
    enhanced by our team work.

    Human intelligence is the core value of our company, and the basis of our relations and translations. We use our intellectual skills and experience to deliver high quality translations.


    Linguistic, legal and editorial expertise

    Verba-Translations Founder & Manager, Brigitte has a master’s degree in Dutch law from the University of Maastricht and graduated as a translator from the University of Translation and Interpreting in Maastricht (Netherlands).


    Senior translator and proofreader

    Karine has a literary background (Laurea in translation, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Traduttori e Interpreti de Trieste), and holds a two-year professional Master’s degree in literary translation from Paris Diderot University, as well as a Master’s in economic and financial translation from the University of Genoa. She joined our team in February of 2023. Karine translates and revises for the English and Italian departments.